The government of El Salvadorwill provide free of charge transportation from April 14 to 18, including the pre-tour of your choice.

The pre-tour in El Salvador includes transportation, rider, food, hydration and tour guide.

General data to consider:

  • The host country provides transportation to and from the airport for participants.
  • En su retorno, cada participante será responsable de informar su itinerario de salida si le es requerido transportarse hacia el Aeropuerto Internacional de El Salvador. Esto deberán informarlo a Dhina Camacho al correo electrónico
  • If any participant wishes to leave on their own, it is recommended to use the taxi or Uber service that can be contacted through the reception at your hotel.
  • In El Salvador taxis do not have taximeters and therefore the fare of the trip must be negotiated by the visitor before using the service.
  • The UBER franchise provides service in El Salvador and can be used by downloading the application to your mobile phones.